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Tuesday, 8 July 2014


Surah 95 - At-Teen – The Wholesome Thoughts -  سورة التين          

This surah is an evaluation of man’s zigzag flowing life. His life changes when he thinks he is independent from his own thoughts and does not care about Allah (his own system of consciousness) because of his overconfidence or contentment he becomes relaxed or languid in nature. Man has been bestowed with immense knowledge but his ultimate nourishment depends upon his carefulness of selecting the quality of thoughts. Man is a product of his own thoughts and his evolution and development depends upon the quality of thoughts he entertains.  The thoughts of complacent nature leads man to act carelessly, thus isolating himself from his own magnanimous system of consciousness. In spite of receiving nourishment in abundance from the nature's cycle and enjoying a haloed status among all the creation, for being evolved in the best pattern, he falls into lowest of low because of his wrong thoughts which compels him to act in a wrong way, thus changing his original pattern. The surah emphasizes that the status of man depends upon his thoughts and his reconciliatory deeds. Even though man formed in the best knowledgeable pattern from the System of Consciousness, yet his status cannot be taken for granted and that it does not guarantee him a permanent favorable status. It is upon the individual to maintain his esteem loving, helpful and social nature for which he is being recognized or favoured as human. Helping is Deen.

Teen normally means fig or balsam tree in Arabic. Fig is a common noun. This well-known fruit is grown in plenty in the region between Mediterranean and Caspian sea. Fig is a complete food which can satisfy hunger, possessing nutritional and medicinal value and having a very long shelf life as it is consumed in dry form as well. Fig - تين is a common noun but when the prefix - Al (ال ) is placed before the noun it becomes a definite article (التين), after this it cannot be identified as a common fruit. At-Teen has to be something specific. Considering the context and subject of the surah and the entire Quran, I have deduced its meaning as wholesome thought. Thus At-Teen signifies the thoughts having similar characteristics of fig , that is of providing long lasting nourishment to the mind. There are many words in the Quran whose exact meaning is difficult to obtain from the lexicons and we have to deduce its meaning according to the theme and context of the surah and Quran at large. Hence At-Teen means the nourishing wholesome thoughts having similar characteristics of the fruit fig which is when eaten gives the same wholesome nutrient to the mind as the fruit fig gives it to the body. The same assessment applies to Zaitun as well.

There can be no such city in the world that can be termed or identified as the City of Security or Peace (Al-Baladal Ameen). Jerusalem was originally assumed as a City of Security and Peace in Jewish and Christian literature because it was surrounded by wall and was having religious significance as well. So it was convenient for our theologians to get influenced by copying the same perception and labeling Mecca as Al-Baladal Ameen, the religious city of Muslims. Al-Ameen means content but in secured environment or one who is safe with his own thought; how can a city or a place have this characteristics of contentment or security? No city, town or place can claim such character. Actually Peace and Tranquility dwells in a person’s mind and not in a physical place built with construction material or having good environment. Verse 3 & 4 Hazal Baladal Ameen and Khalaqal Insaana vindicates my point of view. Actually in the given context it describes the quality of a thought and not a city as presumed by almost all the interpreters.

The alphabet Waw (و) is used as a conjunction as well as to emphasize or explain the following word or phrase. Here the preceding word is و and the following word is the quality of man (At-Teen) (Az-Zaitun) (Al-Balad). Swearing in the name of Fruit, Vegetable and City does not make any sense to any sensible mind. 
Waw is actually pictograph which represents or explains an idea which follows or comes after و  - by tying or securing one thing to another, it does not always mean 'and' or 'oath', though it is generally translated as a conjunction.

A man falls to the lowest of low after he rejects to obey the code of life (Deen) which he is suppose to submit to, that is obedience to the System of Consciousness. In spite of having the best inherent pattern and enjoying a good rapport among all the creations he does not feel indebted to it. The system of consciousness bound to support the one who conducts himself in accordance with the permanent pattern of peace or follow the map of peace.

 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

With the exalted identification of the System of consciousness, the Rehman, the Rahim


(1) وَالتِّينِ وَالزَّيْتُونِ

Man with fresh matured and the respectable thoughts,

Al-Teen - التِّينِ = Man rich with intellectual thoughts, respect, health, temperament, reliable, useful, durable, helpful, wholesome thoughts, abundance etc

Al-Zaitun - الزَّيْتُونِ  = anointed, Sacred, holy, reputed, admirable, symbol of respect for the winner (crown of olive leaves)

(2) وَطُورِ سِينِينَ

That means having a distinct divergent form of learning (2:63) (71:14)

Tur -طُورِ = Distinct, different, utmost knowledge, hovers over

Sineen - سِينِينَ  = Peak of thoughts which enables one to receive revelation. Mountain or highest level of consciousness, renowned, tangible real and famous real life people - Pinnacle where one receives the utmost or distinct knowledge.

(3) وَهَـٰذَا الْبَلَدِ الْأَمِينِ

And this results in the secured relaxed mindset (2:126, 14:35)

Al-Balad - الْبَلَدِ   = The man remained, dwell in his place, not leave his place,  languid, relaxed attitude, wanting in vigour, lagged behind in work or competitions, he did not implement, lazy

Ameen - الْأَمِينِ = The trustful, worthy, peaceful, confidence, complacency, feel secured

(4) لَقَدْ خَلَقْنَا الْإِنسَانَ فِي أَحْسَنِ تَقْوِيمٍ

Indeed we have evolved the social mind (Insaan) in the best knowledgeable configuration

Ahasan - أَحْسَنِ =  Best knowledge

Taqweem - تَقْوِيمٍ = Permanent pattern, regulation, mould, configuration, map... 

(5) ثُمَّ رَدَدْنَاهُ أَسْفَلَ سَافِلِينَ

Then we reduce him to the lowest of low

Radd - رَدَدْنَا = We reduce, reject, discard

Safaleen - سَافِلِينَ = Those who become low, lowest, descended, inferior, subsided, downward

(6) إِلَّا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ فَلَهُمْ أَجْرٌ غَيْرُ مَمْنُونٍ

Except who himself feel the taste of safety/security and does reconciliatory work. Then they shall have their reward without obligation

Amalu - عَمِلُوا= Work, action, deed

Saulehat - الصَّالِحَاتِ = The good, reconciliatory, righteous

Ajroon - أَجْرٌ = Reward

Gairu -غَيْرُ =  Without

Mumnoon - مَمْنُونٍ = indebted, obligated, grateful, thankful

(7) فَمَا يُكَذِّبُكَ بَعْدُ بِالدِّينِ

So what causes you to disagree / deny, after being with the state of submissive / obedient mindset

Kazab - يُكَذِّبُكَ  = You disagree, deny, lie

Ba’du - بَعْدُ  = After

Deen - بِالدِّينِ = With the submissive obedient mindset, law, indebted, obligation

(8) أَلَيْسَ اللَّهُ بِأَحْكَمِ الْحَاكِمِينَ

Is not Allah [system of consciousness] with the wisest of rulers [one who rules or regulates his/her mind with wisdom]?

Laisa - أَلَيْسَ = is not

Allah - اللَّهُ = System of Consciousness

Hakim - حْكَمِ = Wisest

Hakimeen - الْحَاكِمِينَ = Those who conduct wisely.


The creation of man is the epitome of evolution. In spite of possessing an abundant amount of knowledge, intellect, righteous / reconciliatory qualities, he is reduced to ignominy because of his relaxed, lazy attitude, gradually he reject and discard the Deen of Allah. Deen of Allah signifies the rules and regulation of our Consciousness which is much older than the the existence of any language or scripture. Deen is giving, sharing, imparting, distributing wisely whatever he has. Man has been molded in such a way that he blooms when he is in unison with Allah’s nature or with its own system of consciousness, and if he does not understand that and tries to free himself from the code of his own system of consciousness [Allah], he suffers miserably. Allah is with those who conduct or regulate the life in accordance with the Deen [code] of Allah. Allah does not tolerate any misbehavior that alters the natural way or process (30:30). 

Traditional Interpretation: 

The traditional translators have translated this small surah in three different segments to quench their thirst to be recognized as great scholars. No common sense is used while dealing with this small surah. They have made a mockery of the surah and its magnanimous author by not sticking to the the subject and dividing this small surah into three nonsense interpretation which does not have link with each other thus portraying the beloved author as irrational author.

The interpreters have divided the surah from 1 to 3, then from 4 to 6, then from 7 to 8 just to brag their "deep knowledge" about the subject. ... not explaining the purpose of oath in the name of fruit, vegetable, city, mountain - then the creation of man and Deen is discussed then justifying their interpretation. There is no sequence or chain of understanding between verse 1 to 8 and to hide their fault, these scholars alleged that this is the unique narrative style of the entire "Quran".


The surah is about evolution of man but his development depends upon the quality of thoughts he occupied with. In spite of being the best evolutionary specimen among the species and enjoy the haloed status in the environment, he take his status for granted because of his languid / lethargic attitude. Thus he falls lowest of the low by alienating himself from the system of his own consciousness. Mankind is advised to remain steadfast with the rules and regulation of his conscious system (Allah) and do good work because we cannot fool the our own system of consciousness; as the system of consciousness is with those who conduct their affairs wisely.

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