The book Quran is about Man's / Adam's [nafs, naas, ins / jinns, bashar, nisa and rajul] and his Consciousness [Allah / Rabb] - All the parables are events continuously happening within us. The voices of characters of the parables unceasingly chat with the self and the consciousness. The voices or chats that influences us, build our character. The message of the book Quran is based on bil-gayab [abstract]. Nobody has seen these main characters of the book Quran; i.e Allah, Malaikah, Rasul, Nabi, Jannah, Jahannum, Iblees, Shaitaan thus they come under the ambit of bil-gayab...
Those who think that the characters of the book Quran are physical characters of history and their locations are geographically proven will never be able to understand the message of the book Quran. The book Quran often emphasis the readers that these are just examples / parables [misaal], but sadly the literalists, academicians and the historians have literally destroyed the message of the book Quran.