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Saturday, 21 September 2024



People suffer more because their emotions overtake their intellect. To be emotional we do not require any efforts or labour but to be an intellectual we require education, knowledge, hard work, focus and discipline.

Same way believing in God is easy or leaving God is also easy but Knowing God is tough. Knowing God is important than believing in God. We are blindly giving translated references as if we know God or know the Will of God or know the Book of God.

The book Quran emphasis on testimony, experiencing and witnessing popularly known as shahadah in Quranic terminology. A true believer is one who has witnessed Allah, who knows Allah, one who knows the Power and how it can effect our life and life around us.

We cannot understand Allah without knowledge, without experiencing it in our own selves. We cannot love Allah, we cannot respect Allah, we cannot fear Allah without knowing it. True love and respect comes from Knowledge. Worshipping without Knowledge is idol worshiping.

Without thinking, pondering, contemplating we cannot understand Allah or the Power. Blindly following any books, copy-pasting some references is good for debates or to win an argument but to know Allah we require intellect, wisdom and open inquisitive mindset.
We do not require special skills to believe in God or reject it's existence. It is an individuals decision based on emotions rather than knowledge. For me God represents Power in English language. It is upto us how to use that Power. Power exist but we need to know that Power rather than just blindly believing in it.

Humans and all around us are manifestation of that Supreme Power. There is no two powers, A Single Force compromising of all type of energies merged together in single units.

Some people term that Power as Consciousness. Consciousness is Supreme Awareness which is linked with Knowledge. Each one of us are made up of different level of Consciousness. We are not separate but everyone of us is Consciousness acting at different levels.

We are here to develop that Consciousness, we are here to evolve that Consciousness. We are not here to just accumulate material and fight for it. We are here to become aware and reach our destination.
Too much attachments are distractions, living a balance life is important and finding our purpose is intelligence.

People prefer belief over using their intelligence because belief is easily inherited while intelligence require to think out of that belief. People get easily offended if we question their belief because some do not want to think freely, they are comfortable in their own boxes. Some do not have the capacity to think because they fear to look beyond. Belief is their God and if we question their beliefs they think we are attacking their God.




Here some very important questions put forward by my esteemed friend. First I would like to apologize for responding very late as its bit difficult for me to convert my thoughts into English language as I am not a good linguist. These are very important questions that need to be addressed very carefully so it required some sincere time.

//Dear ahle aqal, I am coming to a simple conclusion that your over-arching view on "Know yourself" & “know your purpose in life" is fundamentally flawed.//

 Firstly dear friend this is not my personal view, this is what I have understood from the book Quran. Knowing oneself means knowing our own direction, our limits, our strength and our weakness. How can we operate without knowing the most complicated machine, can we? And that machine is our own self, our own mind, our own psyche. I don't understand what is wrong in understanding or knowing our own selves before operating it? We need to understand our own mind before operating it. There is no harm in knowing what we are and what we are capable of?

 //I am not being disrespectful to you, just pointing out a natural flaw in your analysis.//

 The main flaw, blunder or foolishness is not to understand the machine before operating it. I am your friend and it is only because of you that I am one of the admin of this august group. I like your straightforwardness, I always respect sincere questions. I am just an ordinary translator of the book Quran. Till date whatever little I know it is from the study of the book Quran, I have full confidence that my analysis is right, thus I am here to humbly defend it. I would never escape by saying Allah knows the best. I speak with full responsibility and honesty. 

 //You make the assumption that the majority of humanity have the luxury to reflect and act on "knowing one-self" and "knowing their purpose in their existence". //

 When I say that the subject of the book Quran is to know oneself, it means to know our own respective inherent script (Al-Kitab). This is not luxury but a very important necessary. If we recognize our inherent script in early stages of life then we won't require to copy or imitate anyone to live our life, sadness and depression would never touch us.

 Everything is provided in that inherent script (Al-Kitab) we just need to apply our intellect and study or be a keen observer. There is no other way but to reflect and think. The main problem is we have lost that early molding stage of our life, now it is difficult to go back and learn. Now at this stage it looks absurd to think back about our own self because materialistically we are successful or we think the only to success is by material up gradation. We need to look deep inwards and ask ourselves are our souls are happy and satisfied with the achievement we have?

 The words Quran, Kitab, Furqan, Hudayah, Zikr, Hakim, Taqwa are all related to our embedded script preserved in our mind. We must think and there is no other way or easy way of living. Action without reflection is 99% failure. Most people fail because they don't think, they act on impulse.

 The book Quran often admonishes its reader to think, ponder, reflect and use intellect. This means we don't have to blindly follow any book or ideology or person. The label Muslims don't think at all, they love to copy others and that blindly copying is the lethal prescription for disaster and discontentment in life.

 //The vast majority of humanity live hand-to-mouth, even in developed countries, worrying about if they can pay their next fuel bill or whether they can provide their children a wholesome food for their next meal.//

 Yes it is true many people struggle to make a living, those who make a good living also struggle, and it may not be for material gains but other issues such as health and mental peace. So struggling is part of life. I too live a hand-to-mouth life and there is nothing wrong in it but I continuously think about my failures and why I am failing again and again. Why satisfaction is missing even if I am not starving but still thinking. All are not fortunate to live a luxurious life. Is living a luxurious life should be our aim or living a happy life must be our goal?

 The main reason people fail in life because they don't follow their field of interest. Our field of inclination is our true wealth which we ignore in lieu for race, competition and rivalry with others. Our respective field of interest is written, embedded in our inherent script. It is inherited by all of us but we fail to recognize it.

 The main subject of book Quran is how to achieve mental peace, under which the subject of worrying and depression too is addressed. The subject peace of mind is not an ordinary subject that we can overlook. The cause of depression and worrying is due to not understanding our role in life and pursue those desires that is impossible to get fulfilled. In short we are not able to understand our strength and weakness to fulfill that desire. When we understand our role our script of our life and whole heartedly accept it then material gain is the byproduct of it. Imitating or copying others won't bring any goodness in life. Job satisfaction is important in life and that will only come through when we know what work makes us happy and content. Our script time and again keeps reminding us to follow the embedded script because only in it is the prescription for successful and healthy life. 

 //And tell me and our members, if we forgot about the fuel bills and the next meal to feed our children.... how will contemplating over "knowing one-self" and "knowing our purpose in life" help our predicament?//

 The book Quran persistently tells us to think, remember and analyze our life. Forgetfulness of responsibilities is considered morally bad and evil. The book never says to take refuge in mountains or forest and your food will come from the sky. Thirst and hunger are very common and important topics of life, no one can ignore it. No sane person will undermine these issues of food, clothing and shelter; it is utterly foolishness and stupidity not to think about it.

 The book Quran is forcing us to think, analyze and know our own script before undertaking any profession in life. Knowing our inherent script is to know ourselves. We can excel in life physically, mentally, financially, emotionally only if we understand ourselves. Knowing ourselves means to know our field of work and evolve in it. In Quranic terminology it is accepting our direction known as Qibla. We will succeed if we recognize our script and follow it sincerely and honestly. Good and healthy living is a byproduct of following our own inherent script. Follow the script carefully and sincerely the food, clothing shelter and fuel will come at your doorstep. Go towards your script and all your necessities will come at your place.

 //Surely the Quran, was not written for people who had the luxury to ponder and nasle-gaze about knowing one-self and the purpose of one’s existence.//

 Brother knowing is knowledge. Being human is all about uniqueness and acquiring knowledge. Information gathering is part of knowledge which every human does knowingly or unknowingly. Pondering, contemplating is not a luxury but necessity of life. It is incumbent on every human being to think before acting. It is not about thinking about others but it is to think about our own self on how to live, how to cope, how to survive, how to conquer our own selves. Thinking and caring about others is second stage. Thinking is not at all a luxurious commodity but necessity to find ways for peaceful simple living. Occupied in constructive thoughts is not nestle gazing but a step towards progressive evolution.

 //Brother ahle aqal, please understand, I am in no way undermining your superior knowledge of the Quran.  I am only asking humbly, how your interpretation of the Quran is anyway related and reflective of issues faced by 99% of humanity.//

 No doubt that 100% of the humanity faces the necessities of food, clothing and shelter since the time immemorial. This problem is not new. Some people have prevailed over these problems but still they face some other problems. The book Quran is a problem solver that emphasizes us to think, ponder, contemplate remember and analyze our own self. Thinking is the only solution and it is incumbent on every human being. We don't need a book to instruct us but sadly common sense is not common that's why the book Quran emphasizing on education, knowledge, thinking, contemplating, pondering...

We must know that nothing is in our control, we can only think, desire but ultimately nature works in its own flow. The revolution of Earth is not in our hands, the formation of days and nights are not even hand, Sun shine, Moon light, Air, Water, Food are not in our control. We just can think, reflect, that's the only thing which we can do before acting, the results are not in our hands.

Knowing ourselves is not about from where we have come from or where we will go after we die. It is mainly about serving properly when we are still alive. We cannot serve without knowing our capacity, ability and capabilities. Work is worship; work is service (ibadah). Serving Nature is serving our own self. 

It is not how much resource we have, but how we utilize it and how much we enjoy, that's the secret to happiness and peace

Thank you 🙏


Friday, 6 September 2024

AL-NISA 4:34



THE TRILITERAL ROOT OF النِّسَاءِ IS ن س أ

4:34 - الرِّجَالُ قَوَّامُونَ عَلَى النِّسَاءِ بِمَا فَضَّلَ اللّهُ بَعْضَهُمْ عَلَى بَعْضٍ وَبِمَا أَنفَقُواْ مِنْا أَمْوَالِهِمْ فَالصَّالِحَاتُ قَانِتَاتٌ حَافِظَاتٌ لِّلْغَيْبِ بِمَا حَفِظَ اللّهُ وَاللاَّتِي تَخَافُونَ نُشُوزَهُنَّ فَعِظُوهُنَّ وَاهْجُرُوهُنَّ فِي الْمَضَاجِعِ وَاضْرِبُوهُنَّ فَإِنْ أَطَعْنَكُمْ فَلاَ تَبْغُواْ عَلَيْهِنَّ سَبِيلاً إِنَّ اللّهَ كَانَ عَلِيًّا كَبِيرًا

Contextual Interpretation & understanding:

Strength to bear the burden of our urges / desire with their own efforts is ar-rijalu (ٱلرِّجَالُ), it is a steadfast mindset (قَوَّٰمُونَ) upon which our desire / urges (ٱلنِّسَآءِ) depend or are based, that is what our conscience (ٱللَّهُ) preferred (فَضَّلَ) some of them (بَعۡضَهُمۡ) over other (بَعۡضٍ) mindsets. However strong mindset has to pay the price (أَنفَقُواْ) for their inclination (أَمۡوَٰلِهِمْۚ), thus corrective urges (فَالصَّالِحَاتُ) are obedient (قَانِتَاتٌ) protecting (حَافِظَاتٌ) the unseen results of the future (لِّلْغَيْبِ), that which (بِمَا) is protected / preserved (حَفِظَ) by the conscience (اللّهُ). And from these (وَاللاَّتِي) bad urges you fear (تَخَافُونَ) of their uprising (نُشُوزَهُنَّ) then strictly control them (فَعِظُوهُنَّ) and cut them off (وَاهْجُرُوهُنَّ) in the comfort zone (الْمَضَاجِعِ) itself and strike them off (وَاضْرِبُوهُنَّ) completely from your life. And if they (urges) still follow you (أَطَعْنَكُمْ), do not (فَلاَ) seek (تَبْغُواْ) any other way (سَبِيلاً) for/upon them (عَلَيْهِنَّ) to fulfill it. Indeed conscience (اللّهَ) is forever (كَانَ) is most high (عَلِيًّا), most great (كَبِيرًا) -


الرِّجَالُ - One of the main constituent of our mind that has the strength to carry the load of life, basic and important tool for survival. Popularly interpreted as Man, which is wrong.

قَوَّامُونَ - The other derivatives of this word is تَقْوِيم - الْقِيَامَةِ - الْمُسْتَقِيمَ - مُقِيمٌ -
- مَقَامِي - مَقَامِ - قُمِ - اسْتَقَامُوا - أَقِمِ - الْقَوْمِ - قَآئِم - the essence of these words are to remain standing at one place, steadfast, not moving - word 
قَوَّامُونَ is a plural of word قَوْمِ generally translated as community or people - but in the context of this verse the traditionalist translators have interpreted it as protectors, managers, maintainers, in-charge, supporters, care takers which is utterly wrong and go against the principles of root word languages. 

النِّسَاءِ - urge, desire that drive us.