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Monday, 28 December 2020



Allah and its Attributes are spread all over the book Quran. There are more than 99 attributes of Allah and it is not without a purpose. The only purpose of mentioning the names of Allah so many times is to help us to recognize the Character of Allah through His attributes. To know the Character or the Nature of Allah is very important for mankind. To understand the Deen we must understand the Fitrat (Natural process of evolution) of Allah, because the Quran says in 30:30 that mankind is build on the natural process [fitrat] of Allah. Societies can be built on common moral values but that is not the subject of the book Quran.

Understanding Allah does not mean that we should revere or idolize Allah or count his names on rosaries. Societies are build by individuals. For that they must realize that Allah and Satan are two sides of the same coin. They must always feed the good side if they want to build power stations, beneficial gadgets, wisdom, help friends and family. Allah and Satan are inside us and for that we must know how and why the coin flips. Knowing the character of Allah will help us in preventing the coin to flip from Allah to Satan. I am not against forming just and fair societies but they are build by individual's Godly or Satanic characters. The message of the book Quran is to know your good and evil characters in order to live a secure and peaceful life. 

Believers questions who created the universe including human beings, Atheists questions who created God? The answer to both of them is below.

ALLAH IS LIGHT AND LIGHT IS ENERGY - ALLAH is Awal and Aakhir - people will easily believe if Einstein said that Allah is Light. 

"Energy cannot be created or destroyed" - Understand the essence of AHAD, WAHID, ZAHIR, BATIN, WASIUN, AWAL AND AAKHIR AND YOU WILL UNDERSTAND ALLAH. After understanding 100s of attributes I came to the conclusion that Allah / Rabb is our own system of consciousness. Please think over its attributes to come to the right conclusion..

Energy exists in many forms, such as heat, light, chemical energy, and electrical energy. Energy is the ability to bring about change or to do work. Thermodynamics is the study of energy.

First Law of Thermodynamics: Energy can be changed from one form to another, but it cannot be created or destroyed. The total amount of energy and matter in the Universe remains constant, merely changing from one form to another. The First Law of Thermodynamics (Conservation) states that energy is always conserved, it cannot be created or destroyed.

The characters from Nuh to Mohammed are names of personalities but have meanings, applications and functions that were taught to Adam for operating machine called Mankind.

The author of the book uses 1st, 2nd and 3rd person to narrate this enchanting philosophy. The entire 'Kingdom of God' is inside us; the readers are requested to keep this in mind while studying the book Quran.


Sunday, 27 December 2020


                               ALLAH / MOHAMMED

Mohammed bin Abdullah (PBUH) promoted Agnosticism.  It was a new form of concept which promotes questioning and doubting everything. The basic intention was to believe in self rather than relying on others or some external super natural forces. Relying on others or doubting our inner potentials is considered as Shirk, the greatest sin in Islam. The entire book Quran highlights the phrase obey Allah and obey Rasul but unfortunately we look for them outside us whereas as they are living part of our soul. It is clearly mentioned in the Quran that Allah and Rasul are inside us but we are busy searching them in Mosques and Graves.

Mohammed bin Abdullah (PBUH) gave the world a stunning slogan "There is no ilah (God/god) but the system of consciousness (Allah), Common Sense (Mohammed) is the voice of Allah." But unfortunately we have given Allah and His Rasul anthropomorphic image thus the daring efforts of Mohammed bin Abdullah to wipe out religion and imaginary God from the Peninsula of Arabia has gone wasted.

Mohammed bin Abdullah never promoted organized religion or its God, neither he preached permanent moral values. His only agenda was to free Arabia from all kind of superstitions and promote free thinking as he knew that religions were blocking the use of free speech and free thinking. If he was preaching permanent moral values nobody would stand against him because all religions have same permanent moral values. To openly speak against the Gods of Pagans, Jews and Christians was a severe act of blasphemy which Mohammed very openly preached and that's the reason why he has to faced so much persecution. It was a fight between rational thinking and blind following. Many Many Salutation to that man who proclaimed La ilah ilal la mohammadu rasul Allah and gave new life to the people of Arabia.

NOTE: ALLAH of the Book Quran is different from the Allah of Hadith and MOHAMMADU RASUL ALLAH of the book Quran is different from Mohammed bin Abdullah of History.

Friday, 11 December 2020





A preposition is a word—and almost always a very small, very common word—that shows direction (to in "a letter to you"), location (at in "at the door"), or time (by in "by noon"), or that introduces an object (of in "a basket of apples"). Prepositions are typically followed by an object, which can be a noun (noon), a noun phrase (the door), or a pronoun (you).

In Arabic a preposition (حَرْفُ الْجَرِّ- called /harf ul ĵarr) is a single letter or a word which connects two nouns, or a verb and a noun to form a sentence. As above this is generally showing the position of one word to another. It always precedes a word and never follows the word. A preposition always comes before a noun and it does not come before a verb.

We cannot change the meanings of the prepositions according to our preconceived context of our tutored mind. If we have to manipulate the meanings of the simple prepositions that means we have failed to relate another word or element in the clause. I understand the evolution of the languages but prepositions don’t evolve along with the other meanings of the words or elements of the language. Prepositions are very important part of the sentence we cannot manipulate its meaning to suit our mind. The meanings of the prepositions will always remain the same as they show the direction or location of the subject and the predicate otherwise everything will be lost in translation.


For example – 1) فِي الْأَرْضِ  is usually translated or perceived as ON THE EARTH. The manipulation of the preposition happens due to a parallel story running in our mind that Adam was installed / made as a KHALIFA ON EARTH – 2:30 and if we translate فِي as IN THE EARTH it won’t make any sense to English knowing audience or those who think the word الْأَرْضِ signifies EARTH. The reason for manipulating the preposition is that most of the translators think الْأَرْضِ in the context of the Quran means THE EARTH so it is hard for them to translate  فِي as [IN] in English. Most of the translators of the book Quran are from subcontinent of India so they translate Quran in English but through their lens of Urdu language. The Author of the Book Quran knows that there is a Arabic word for ON [ عَلَى ] and the Author used the word for ON too in the book Quran so why they translate فِي الْأَرْضِ  as عَلَى الْأَرْضِ [18:7], this only because the translators have failed to understand the meaning of related word in the theme and context of the book Quran.


Example 2) فِي النَّاسِ in 6:122 and 22:27 – In these verses the preposition فِي  is manipulated as ‘AMONG’ and ‘TO’ – This is done to fit in their preconceived notion that AN-NAAS means men, mankind or people.


Example 3) هَاجَرُوا فِي اللَّهِ in verse 16:41 – The simple honest translation would be those MIGRATED IN ALLAH –


But the translators added the word ‘CAUSE’ / ‘PATH’ to the sentence to make sense to their preconceived idea of Allah as GOD / DIETY. They could not conceive how one can migrate IN ALLAH as the interpreters are unaware about the real essence of the term Allah in the context and theme of the book Quran. So finally هَاجَرُوا فِي اللَّهِ is conveniently translated as MIGRATED IN THE PATH / CAUSE OF ALLAH.  


Example 4)  أَرْسَلْنَا فِيكُمْ رَسُولًا 2:151Here again the phrase فِيكُمْ is translated as among you because many among us are not aware of the crux of word Rasul in the context and theme of the book Quran. We relate the mentioned word Rasul with the honorable figure of Mohammed bin Abdullah, therefore IN YOU [فِيكُمْ] becomes ‘AMONG YOU’ [بَيْنِكُمْ] [5:106] and nobody dares to question it.

23:32 -
فَأَرْسَلْنَا فِيهِمْ رَسُولًا مِنْهُمْ

3:101 -
وَفِيكُمْ رَسُولُهُ


Example 5) – Now come to preposition ‘FROM’ - مِنْ  


3:164 - إِذْ بَعَثَ فِيهِمْ رَسُولًا مِنْ أَنْفُسِهِمْ

9:128 -
لَقَدْ جَاءَكُمْ رَسُولٌ مِنْ أَنْفُسِكُمْ


Here the poor preposition مِنْ whose actual meaning is ‘FROM’ but adjusted to become ‘AMONG THEMSELVES’ because it was difficult to digest the Quranic concept that Rasul is FROM OUR NAFS / SELF / PSYCHE.


The ongoing background Hadith narration of Mecca / Madina events pertaining to historical figure Mohammed bin Abdullah are regularly playing in our minds and that hinders our thinking process to translate the book Quran on the merits of its actual context, connotations and language.

So translators are playing with the words of the book Quran according to what suits their understanding of the message. There is no rule, only whims and fancies.