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Saturday, 21 September 2024



People suffer more because their emotions overtake their intellect. To be emotional we do not require any efforts or labour but to be an intellectual we require education, knowledge, hard work, focus and discipline.

Same way believing in God is easy or leaving God is also easy but Knowing God is tough. Knowing God is important than believing in God. We are blindly giving translated references as if we know God or know the Will of God or know the Book of God.

The book Quran emphasis on testimony, experiencing and witnessing popularly known as shahadah in Quranic terminology. A true believer is one who has witnessed Allah, who knows Allah, one who knows the Power and how it can effect our life and life around us.

We cannot understand Allah without knowledge, without experiencing it in our own selves. We cannot love Allah, we cannot respect Allah, we cannot fear Allah without knowing it. True love and respect comes from Knowledge. Worshipping without Knowledge is idol worshiping.

Without thinking, pondering, contemplating we cannot understand Allah or the Power. Blindly following any books, copy-pasting some references is good for debates or to win an argument but to know Allah we require intellect, wisdom and open inquisitive mindset.
We do not require special skills to believe in God or reject it's existence. It is an individuals decision based on emotions rather than knowledge. For me God represents Power in English language. It is upto us how to use that Power. Power exist but we need to know that Power rather than just blindly believing in it.

Humans and all around us are manifestation of that Supreme Power. There is no two powers, A Single Force compromising of all type of energies merged together in single units.

Some people term that Power as Consciousness. Consciousness is Supreme Awareness which is linked with Knowledge. Each one of us are made up of different level of Consciousness. We are not separate but everyone of us is Consciousness acting at different levels.

We are here to develop that Consciousness, we are here to evolve that Consciousness. We are not here to just accumulate material and fight for it. We are here to become aware and reach our destination.
Too much attachments are distractions, living a balance life is important and finding our purpose is intelligence.

People prefer belief over using their intelligence because belief is easily inherited while intelligence require to think out of that belief. People get easily offended if we question their belief because some do not want to think freely, they are comfortable in their own boxes. Some do not have the capacity to think because they fear to look beyond. Belief is their God and if we question their beliefs they think we are attacking their God.

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