What is Ayaat ?
The word Ayaah [آية] in the book Quran signifies that which is present, clear, valid and is a conceivable sign - The signs which are not clear, present, valid and conceivable cannot be termed as ayaats in the context of the book Quran and in the parameter of Arabic language. The word ayaat [آيات] is derivative of word يَا and the popular root word is ا ى ى - the word is a vocative particle which is used as a call to those present and are near or close to us e.g اى زيد or يا زيد - O Zayed or اى رب or يا رب - O Rabb.
If we are terming the verses of the Quran as Ayaat then we should be damn sure that the verses is talking about experiences which is very closely witnessed or experienced by our nafs and are valid in the present moment.
Ayaats are signs that show clear point of view and are presently witnessed or experienced in our own nafs/psyche [41:53].
Therefore there is no history or past events present in the book Quran. The message of Quran is for the present moment that appeals to human psychology [nafsiyaat] of all mankind. Ayaats are clear cut signs and no past events can be termed as ayaat.
وَالَّذِينَ كَفَرواْ وَكَذَّبُواْ بِآيَاتِنَا أُولَـئِكَ أَصْحَابُ النَّارِ هُمْ فِيهَا خَالِدُونَ
2:39 - And those who disbelieved and denied with Our ayaats/evidences, those are owners/companion of the fire, they (are) in it immortally/eternally.
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