has become a fashion to call oneself a LIFE-LONG STUDENT OF THE BOOK
QURAN and not prepared to unlearn. This statement is even
uttered by so called Quranic scholars so that they can easily escape when
cornered with tough questions. If every scholars look upon themselves as
students then who will be the teacher. If they are not confident enough in
their teachings then why they recognize themselves as teachers if they are
still a student or still learning? Why misguide who wants to learn and then say
to look humble that Allah knows best after every detailed explanation?
This is dishonesty; this is cheating with innocent masses.
had a long exchange of views with a fellow colleague in a Quranic group about
this subject; these are some of my deliberation from our discussion regarding
the understanding of the book Quran.
all students of the Qur'an. While we appreciate your understanding remember
some will approve other won't. Others will have a different understanding to
what you have but it does not mean they're wrong as well and at the same time
you might be right as well. Everyone has there own views which they entitled
is wrong approach towards understanding of the book Quran, everybody cannot be
right at the same time. 2+2 must have same answer even if it is solved by a
layman or an expert; the answer will always remain 4 and no other answers will
be accepted. It has to be simple, only one answer can be right. Two different
understanding cannot be right. If we want to do justice with the Quran then we
must come at same understanding or agree on at least 90% of the understanding
since it is not mathematics that we can get 100% right answer. If we do not
agree on at least 90% of the content then we are wasting our time by
trying to please everyone and doing injustice to the Author of book Quran.
basically you're not prepared to listen to other views in the group at all
because that's what you are saying. No other view is correct but yours."
is the problem, I never said I am correct but if someone is saying that they are
students but in reality acting like a teacher then this is hypocrisy. Why must
anyone comprise when they think that they are right. In the matter of Quran we
must express and come to common amicable conclusion rather than quietly
listening to others even if according to you they are wrong.
student must act like a student, open to unlearn, learn and question
respectfully if not understood. If you genuinely think you are a student and
you want to understand then your behaviour must be of a student.
I am saying that only one view can be right it does not mean that it must be my
view. Argue, fight and come to conclusion. keep your ego aside. In this era of
IT revolution one cannot remain illiterate or illogical.
have no ego but since more than 1400 years we are just acting like students but
not ready to unlearn & learn. How long this game of being a lifelong
student will last? In this game of ignorance the book Quran is the biggest
responsibility and say that this right and fight for it with all your might why
shy away from taking responsibility. If you love Quran you must fight for it
but never lose the ethics of argument.
your belief, if you cannot defend your belief then listen, be patient, be
respectful, don't label those who dare to think differently.
I will leave the discussion. I think you have missed the whole point
completely. No disrespect to you but personally you have to listen other views
and not just ignore them. The Qur'an is simple and easy to understand but don't
force your views onto others.
you feel that you the only one right on the group then there's nothing left for
you to learn here on the group."
have been listening to other views all along my life, now I must have my own
views to share. It is not ego but my urge to put forward my views. I am not
imposing my views but sharing so that people with open minds can think,
contemplate and come to conclusion. If we keep on listening to all sides we
cannot come to any conclusion. What’s the use if we keep on listening to
different views and die without coming to any result? I am very emotional about
the book Quran and I cannot keep quite if I see any illogical translation. I
will express myself, it is up to people to shut their ears and close their
you don't understand the book Quran doesn't matter; use your divine
intelligence; you will be accountable as per your own intellect but never
follow anyone blindly. Following blindly anyone other than your own Conscience
(Allah) can have dangerous repercussions.
you. Good luck to you my brother. Take care.
of discussion.
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