Muraqabah / مراقبة is a derivative of the arabic word Raqeeb / رقیب. It is just an Arabic word for being watchful of oneself. The root is ر ق ب - The basic meaning is to observe, watch, guard, preserve, monitor and supervise. Although the word muraqabah (مراقبة) is not from the book Quran but it has a significant presence in Sufi literature and practice. According to Sufis muraqabah is done by those whose aim is to enter into a transcendental union with God. Al-Raqeeb الرَّقِيبَ (Watchful) is one of the attribute of Allah (5:117). In Urdu raqeeb / رقیب means competitor, rival, contender, challenger.
Muraqabah is a process to be watchful, vigilant and supervise the challenge coming from our own soul's tendency to rebel. It is a heartfelt realization that Allah is watching us so that we don't succumb to undesirable wants of our soul. The intention of muraqabah is to analyze our animate soul and make it completely subservient to Allah (pure conscience). Muraqabah cannot happen without cleansing our heart from jealousy, rivalry, hate, malice, lies, greed, dishonesty, laziness, fear, insecurities, selfishness, pride and ego. These all are hidden qualities of a hypocrite and non believer. Muraqabah is a 24x7 practice of looking inside. For beginners muraqabah starts with observation, realization, supervising their own behaviour and feeling the August Presence of Positive Energy called Allah within.
Murqabah is a process which can be done along with our daily errands. It is an urge to keep checking our own selves of do's and don'ts, for that we need to be watchful of our activities and see that the Energy Allah is not disturbed. Muraqabah helps us to be in the mantle of Allah or be in His color 24x7. An unclean heart and mind cannot rise above the animal level of soul. The aim of the muraqabah is raise our spiritual level and that only happen if we learn to detach from the inclination of the materialistic world.
The real test of Muraqabah is to be in the society and feel isolated from it. The process of muraqabah tends to take you away from the society but the real test is to remain in the society and practice that higher art of living. Keeping Balance of the mind is one of the cornerstone of Islam / Peace. You cannot remain peaceful (Muslim) if you lose your balance, soundness and escape in forest, mountains or enclose yourself in a private room. Escaping and leaving the society would be your downfall. Allah is Everywhere, All Encompassing; if you cannot find Allah in your worldly life then you can find Allah in seclusion.
Basically muraqabah is an urge to be vigilant by keeping an eye on our dishonest activities which may spoil our connection / relation with Allah. It is a never ending thought process or mindfulness. Muraqabah is an unique charger that enliven our mind, body and soul to live an honest life.
Muraqabah is a kind of constant effort (jihad), reminder (zikr) and contemplation (tafakarun) to keep control on our extreme emotions that may harm our connectivity with Allah. Establishing Salat (connection) 24x7 with Allah is the purpose of muraqabah because it is a reminder that keeps us away from all the vices. Heart (Qalb) is the major part of our conscience and it is seat of All emotions. The heart must be kept clean with the help of continuous reminder. Zikr is not lip a service but it helps to constantly maintain the sanctity of Allah in our mind.
Muraqabah is a constant state of being aware of our own pure conscience (Allah) and to feel it's constant presence. Listening to the voice of our conscience and obeying the voice of conscience helps in controlling one's emotions, actions, thoughts, and speech.
It is a way to cultivate mindfulness / vigilance that Allah is always present and watching us from within, this realization polishes the heart of the believer to be on the track of peace (Islam).
Muraqabah is a way to change life by being aware that Allah is always watching from inside us rather than watching from the sky, so that one is constantly conscious about its presence inside.
By muraqabah, one is always aware of one's actions and keep tap on his/her thoughts because thoughts drive our actions.
It is a way to be always mindful and to be cognizant that Allah is living with us, He is inside us.
Muraqbah is must for everyone:
It is a self analysis process to monitor on our own self. This wonderful practice must not be given religious or sectarian color.
Those who want to perfectly serve their Malik (Owner) must first know Its / His / Her characteristics and be afraid of It's repercussions of not being obedient to Him flawlessly. Muraqabah is done to obtain the favour from the Owner (Malik). Mind, Body and Soul are our Rabb (Consciousness) Malik (Owner) and Rehman (Up-bringer / Teacher). They are beneficial only when we are persistently obedient to them.
Those who desire to establish constant connection with Him/It/Her and yearn to have Allah in their lives. Allah is inseparable Watcher. Understand your Satan so that Satan has no place inside you. Allah and Satan cannot live together.
The practice of muraqabah involves constantly observing one's own actions, thoughts, and speech for the sake of Allah, your own conscience.
It involves being aware that Allah is watching one's actions, thoughts, and speech.
It involves being mindful and being cognizant that Allah is mercurial energy which must be protected at any cost.
What is the purpose of muraqabah?
It is a constant process to cultivate mindfulness of Allah.
It is a way to polish the heart; the seat of all emotions.
It is a way to unveil the virtuous Muraqabah is a derivative of the arabic word Qareeb. It is a process to come near to Allah (conscience) It is a 24x7 practice that means "to watch, observe, realize and feel attentively His Presence". It is also known a kind meditation to go within.
Establishing Salat (connection) with our inner script (Al-Kitab) and be vigilant, careful of conversion of our positive energy into Satan. This is the main purpose of muraqabah.
Muraqabah is a state of being aware of our own conscience (Allah) and feel it's constant presence. Listening to the voice of our conscience and obeying the voice of conscience helps in controlling one's emotions, actions, thoughts, and speech.
It is a way to cultivate mindfulness that Allah is within 24x7, this polishes the heart of the believer.
It is a way to change life by being aware that Allah is always watching from inside us rather than watching from the sky, so that one is constantly conscious about its presence inside.
By this one is always aware of one's actions and keep tap on his/her thoughts because thoughts drive our actions.
It is a way to be always mindful and to be cognizant that Allah is living with us.
Intention to know your Allah
Have strong urge to establish connection with Him.
Know that Allah is with you 24x7. He is inseparable.
Understand your Satan so that Satan has no place inside you. Allah and Satan cannot live together.
This practice involves constantly observing one's actions, thoughts, and speech.
It involves being aware that Allah is watching one's actions, thoughts, and speech.
It involves being mindful and being cognizant that Allah is mercurial energy which must be protected at any cost.
It is a constant process to cultivate mindfulness of Allah.
It is a way to polish the heart; the seat of all emotions.
It is a way to unveil the virtuous nature of the soul (nafs).
It is a way to avoid disobedience and understand the divinity in you, the nature of the pure soul (nafs).
Muraqabah is a way to avoid disobedience and understand the divinity in you.
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