the word Khaliq used for a Creator is a Biblical concept use to elucidate one
of the character of God. God created man or universe is a distorted version of an
original Biblical theme. We are following the same distortion blindly.
Khaliq does not mean One Creator creating man from clay like a potter makes his
pots. Then from man's rib women was created. Creating every species by His Own
Hands or ordering His Angels to do certain tasks. These all are all fallacious
Biblical concepts which got infiltrated in Islam and the translation of the
book Quran.
Khaliq actually means Evolver / Giver of akhlaq [character / ethics] - Akhlaq
and Khaliq are from same root word. Takhliq is to evolve with ethics and
Makhluq is the one who is evolving. We all are makhluq; means we all are
evolving with certain ethics. Furthermore we cannot fathom Allah by just concentrating
on one attribute of Khaliq...
Without Khaliq we cannot evolve ethically. The Evolving Mechanism is inside us,
we just need to activate it. Shaitaan too is inside us, we don't need to go to
Mecca and throw stones at the pillar made of concrete and cement. Everything is
inside us. The concept that God and Satan are outside forces hinders us in
understanding Islam and the book Quran. This is the main reason we search for
peace in physical aspects.
Without the process of ethically evolution we cannot meet our Rabb. We have to
evolve ourselves through connecting or possessing love for everyone. The
concise message of the book Quran is "sab mein Rabb dikhta hai" - God
is everywhere - WASIUN - We are inside God and God is inside us. We are not
separate from God; He is All Encompassing [Wasiun] -
We ignore various attributes of ALLAH present in the book Quran - We think that
the attributes are for counting beads and chanting his names. The author of the
book Quran has described Allah / Rabb by mentioning its attributes in different
context, more than 5000 times still but we are not aware about the essence of
If we cannot understand the essence of Allah / Rabb / Rehman / Subhaan... and
why these specific attributes are specifically used in different context; my
opinion is we must not waste time in discussing the book Quran. This are the
basics. If we cannot understand Allah in the context of the book Quran we can
never able to understand the message of the book Quran how much ever we make an
effort, Its simple.
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