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Sunday, 26 April 2020


Analyzing the word Ramadan in the context of the book Quran:

Almost all the lexicons that I referred agree that the basic meaning of رمض is related to heat and burning; a derivative of word رَمَضَانَ – The earth or the ground became vehemently heated = رمضت الارض – our day became intensely hot =  رمض يوما – Ramiz رمض - said of a man, he had his feet burnt or affected by heat of the sun – رمضت عينه – his eyes became hot, so that it almost burned – according to TA his inside became vehemently hot due to fasting [Fr, K], hot by reason of intense thirst [Fr, TA] – cultivation of land [L,TA] – رمضت من الامر = I was distressed and disquiet by the reason of things or affair, I grieved for it – ارتمض signifies he was distressed or disquieted by reason of such a thing – ترميض  [S,A,K] – signifies causing to burnt by heat or giving pain due to tardiness -رمض الغنم – he pastured the sheep or goat on the vehemently heated ground – kindled the fire upon the stones / hot ashes for the purpose of cooking the flesh = رمض اللحم – Making the blade knife or blade sharp by beating it between two smooth stone = رمض الموصى = beat the razor between two stones that it may become thin or sharp – الترمض = heaving of soul or being agitated by the tendency of vomit = غشيان النفس  - رمضة = process of rubbing / friction…

Although a good lexicon enter all the possible entries so it is obvious that they will also include the popular meaning of Ramadan رَمَضَانَ that is 9th month of Islamic calendar. It will not make sense if we don't interpret the word Ramadan according to its root meaning. The word Shahru cannot be categorized as month as it is in nominative case; this means it has to show some state, condition or disposition that justifies the downloading of the Quran. No one can achieve the masterpiece of knowledge by just fasting from dawn to dusk. Thinking logically and persistently is the only criteria to receive gradually or avail right knowledge.

But if the common sense prevails upon us anyone can ask the question what a month has to do with the revelation of Al-Quran / Al-Furqan and Hidaya? If we have to understand any word we cannot understand it in isolation; it has to be placed in proper context for comprehensive understanding.

The word Ramadan is actually in accusative case but Arabic Corpus shows it as genitive case only to justify their preconceived concept that Shahru means the month of Ramadan. The actual objective of Ramadan is to sharpen the intellect, give pain to the brain or pass through the tough times. We cannot achieve anything without the touch of abrasion or heat. Kindle or ignition of knowledge occurs due to the tedious process of sharpening of intellect done between the grinding stones of grief and the intense desire to come out of that grief and anxiety. In such situation the Quran is revealed or downloaded to those agitated minds that are ready to witness / experience it.

Those who are stuck up with popular meanings or so called established meanings will never able to understand this as they are deeply attached to the tradition of feasting; fasting, praying and keeping themselves busy for Eid shopping. They will never look for other optional meanings that give more sense to the message, only because they have unflinching faith in their rituals and scholars. No intention to offend anyone. Salam / Peace

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